Controversies & Reality of 5G

Sakshi Arora
3 min readAug 15, 2020
Welcome 5th Generation Speed of data transmission in our day-to-day lives.

In today’s world we are witnessing great development in almost all the field. Same goes with the data and information transmission from 1G to 2G, 2G to 3G, 3G to 4G and now we are getting to have 5G in our lives.

No sooner we will experience a great speed of internet and data transmission around us.

The technology used to develop 5g are Millimeter wave, small cells, Massive MIMO, Beamforming, Full duplex, SDN and still some technology are in process before 5g comes to the market

5th Generation is widely believed to be smarter, faster and more efficient than 4G. 5G offers 10x decrease in latency, 100x traffic capacity 10x connection density, 3x spectrum efficiency, and 100x network efficiency. but we should not forget that every light has its shadow. 5g would surely give a rise in almost every field related to transmission of data; field like AI , automatic cars , robotics ,VR, Retail ,Media/Entertainment, Health Care ,Hospitality, transportation, Financial Services, manufacturing etc

But the 5g has some major disadvantages that we cannot forget . 5g is not user friendly as 5g smartphones would be expensive and require skilled engineer to install and maintain it. And the security and privacy issues are yet to be solved. Developing and application of 5G infrastructure can cost more than 100s of Billion of dollars resulting in a high price for 5g connections.

There were many allegations that came in 5G’s way, some even stating that a 5G network test caused the death of hundreds of birds in the Netherlands and as per some scientist 5g will effect human health in many ways like skin cancer and eyes . not only for birds but it is really dangerous for insects and small animals like rats .

But these are considered as mere rumours about 5g by some so this is a controversy ; China has launched its 5G national network and started commercial operation on 1 November 2019. But as per many scientists the radiation would affect the environment and many animals too that because it is of high frequency and As of December 12, 2019, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and the U.S. have decided to ban and phase out the company’s products within their mobile networks. Meanwhile, the UK has banned the company from contributing core parts to 5G technology. Still this controversy remain controversy till any 5g is launched.

But surely 5th generation would bring a big difference in market as well as areas related to data transmission.

-Sakshi Arora



Sakshi Arora

I am undergraduate student currently studying B.Tech . I am always eager to learn and explore things we could do with coding and programming .